15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (2024)

Staircases are always a necessary item for any building in Minecraft, especially if they contain multiple floors.

Because of that, building functional plus aesthetic staircases in Minecraft is needed. And in this article, we’ll show you some of the best Minecraft staircase design ideas!

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Some staircase designs will require you a lot of materials and effort to build. They also take up a lot of space, so make sure you have a decent space left in your home. We recommend using spiral staircases or, better, using a ladder for moving between floors.

Table of contents

  • 15 Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas For Your House
    • Spruce Spiral Staircases
    • Basic Spiral Staircase
    • Modern Staircase
    • Hanging Spruce Staircase
    • Birch Staircase
    • Basic Oak Staircase
    • Farmland Staircase
    • Dark Oak Staircase
    • Natural Spruce Staircase
    • Copper Staircase
    • Maya Stonebricks Staircase
    • Violet Staircase
    • Italian Staircase
    • Symmetrical Mossy Staircase
    • Cottagecore Staircase

15 Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas For Your House

Here are 15 amazing design ideas for your builds in Minecraft, ready for you to either copy or draw inspiration from!

1. Simple Spiral Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (1)

Starting off with a simple and material-friendly Minecraft staircase design idea.

This design requires a tiny area (9×9) with a spiral shape and simple enough materials, such as spruce slabs, oak fences, a cobblestone wall, oak trapdoors, and a glowstone on top.

You can also replace the glowstone with a simpler light source like the lantern, and this should work well.

2. Basic Spiral Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (2)

This is another spiral staircase design idea that you could use in any medieval or stone age era.

Start with a column connecting between the two floors, then make your way up around the pillar with oak stairs for the main steps and cobblestone stairs for the corner steps.

Because it only requires 3 different blocks, this design is quite simple to build in the early of the game. And you can also easily change the materials to fit your building’s theme.

3. Modern Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (3)

This design is considered an aesthetic staircase rather than a functional one, as you can’t actually go to the second floor without jumping; not so user-friendly, right?

Besides that, this design is easy to rebuild, and the material is completely up to you. For example, you can replace all the slabs and blocks above with quartz for a modern house or use wooden blocks for a medieval build.

4. Hanging Spruce Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (4)

A hanging staircase is a design for some kind of haunted mansion or prison, where the staircase can either lead to the dark and gloomy basem*nt or to the creepy attic.

With some spruce (or you can use dark oak) stairs, fence gates, chains, and trapdoors, you can recreate this design with a little effort.

5. Birch Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (5)

Now we come to something bright that has a magical and fairy vibe in it!

To build the birch staircase, you only need 3 different blocks: birch stairs, birch leaves, and birch signs. In addition, you can use this design and replace it with any of the other blocks that have these 3 block types.

6. Basic Oak Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (6)

Living in a high wooden oak house and don’t know how to connect the ground with your house? We’ve got you covered with this lovely basic oak staircase design!

You will need to chop down half a stack of oak logs, and it’s good to go!

To be specific, you will need some oak logs, stripped oak logs, oak stairs, oak fences, and oak trapdoors. As you can see, it’s all about oak!

7. Farmland Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (7)

This Minecraft staircase design idea is suitable for farmers or near any farmland.

You can also build multiple staircases and surround them with crop farms, which pretty much make your farm more accessible and convenient to move around to harvest the crop.

To build this, you will need farmland, some dirt path blocks, spruce trapdoors, slabs, stairs, leaves, and lanterns to light up the place.

8. Dark Oak Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (8)

The dark color of the dark oak wood combined with the greenery from the bamboo makes this staircase design look so good!

If you’re in the jungle and live happily with your pandas, this staircase design is the best choice! Not only does it provide a natural staircase to the scenery but also a great place to plant bamboo for your pandas.

To build this, you will need some dark oak wood, dark oak stairs, stripped spruce logs, stone bricks wall, coarse dirt, bamboo, and some ferns.

9. Natural Spruce Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (9)

Spruce, by far, is the best wood type in Minecraft! Due to its color, you can pretty much combine spruce with any other blocks, especially natural blocks like leaves.

And that’s exactly what this staircase design has done! By using some spruce stairs, logs, stripped wood, vines, and azalea leaves, the building already stands out without the surrounding environment.

10. Copper Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (10)

So you’re building a steampunk house and need a staircase design for it?

This copper staircase may look like one from the Japanese tea house, but if you swap the spruce wood with unweathered copper blocks, it will create a huge difference!

The design above contain some cut copper stairs, spruce trapdoors, stripped spruce logs, bamboo, azalea leaves, and soul lanterns. With the zigzag shape, this staircase idea is really unique compared to other ideas.

11. Maya Stonebricks Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (11)

Imagine a jungle temple structure in Minecraft is built this way, with 4 staircases surrounding the main structure. Who would want to enter it for the risk and loot?

With this Maya staircase, you will need smooth andesite blocks, stairs, polished Blackstone buttons, cobblestones, stone bricks stairs, and some leaves.

The main thing about this build is the 4 altars made from polished andesite, 2 at the bottom and 2 on the top. Without them, this is just a normal staircase design with a mixed texture between the cobblestones and stone bricks stairs.

12. Violet Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (12)

The violet staircase is another variant of the copper staircase above, where you only need to switch any cyan blocks to purple and dark red blocks to create a girly vibe.

The actual blocks used in this build are purpur stairs, stripped spruce logs, crimson buttons, crimson slabs, vines, and some flower pots with allium in them.

13. Italian Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (13)

Inspired by Italian architecture, this Minecraft staircase design is balanced between the block palette and the gradient color.

You can see the dark from the wall (made of stone bricks, andesite, and stone block) and the nether bricks wall that creates the contrast to emphasize the quartz staircases in the middle.

With some leaves blocks, this build is beyond everything!

14. Symmetrical Mossy Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (14)

Another staircase design that you can use for some ancient temples. With the symmetrical attribute, you can easily build this big design by only constructing one half first, then repeating on another side for the full staircase.

Later on, you may want to add some more stone bricks slabs to make it randomize, creating the ruined effect.

15. Cottagecore Staircase

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (15)

Everyone loves nature, and so do we! The cottagecore staircase is blending in with the harmony of the world with its compact design.

There is a lot of greenery in this build, such as the leaves blocks, the coarse dirt with plenty of flowers on them, and the combination of the 3 wood types (oak, jungle, and spruce) in this build, which makes this staircase design idea the first one on the list!

If you haven’t built a front door yet, you can refer to those awesome Minecraft front door design ideas.

So that’s all about the best Minecraft staircase design ideas for today!

We hope you can get some inspiration to decorate your wonderful house soon! Happy building!

15 Best-Looking Minecraft Staircase Design Ideas - Gamer Empire (2024)


How to build a stairwell in Minecraft? ›

To create stairs, you'll need to place three blocks in the first column of the crafting table, two in the second column, and one in the third. You'll need to place your blocks starting on the bottom row of the crafting table.

What is the lowest floor in Minecraft? ›

In Minecraft, altitude is often expressed as the bottom face of a block layer, where the lowest block that can be placed is at layer -64 and has a Y-coordinate of −64.

Are there red stairs in Minecraft? ›

In Minecraft, red sandstone stairs are one of the many building blocks that you can make.

Are there mud stairs in Minecraft? ›

In Minecraft, mud brick stairs is an item that was added in the Wild Update (Minecraft 1.19). It is one of the many building blocks that you can make. The crafting process will create 4 sets of mud brick stairs at a time.

How do you make warped stairs in Minecraft? ›

In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. To make warped stairs, place 6 warped planks in the 3x3 crafting grid.

What is the highest Minecraft level possible? ›

The maximum level of XP that players can get legitimately is 238,609,312, and at this level the experience bar disappears, because reaching the next level would require more XP than the 32-bit integer limit (2,147,483,647, which is 231 - 1). However, it is possible to reach level 2,147,483,647 using commands.

What is the tallest staircase? ›

Niesen Mountain - 11,674 stairs

The Guinness Book of World Records-recognized longest staircase can be found on Niesen Mountain with a whopping 11,674 stairs – that's more than three times as many as in the Burj Khalifa.

What is the tallest you can build in Minecraft? ›

Finally, in the recent 1.18 Minecraft update, the world height limit was increased from 256 blocks to 320 blocks. In addition, the bottom bedrock layer of the overworld was decreased to Y level -64, creating a 383-block-tall building area.

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